The Builders Association

Monday, November 17, 2008

Celebs in the City

OK, I learned about this place from watching Sex in the City, just like everybody else in the world. New York is the city where the streets are paved with famous people. So to see the town, I found a few famous-person-was-seen-here web sites, got a little info and headed towards the city.

First stop, Sarah Jessica Parker territory. I went to her neighborhood, the West Village and prowled but no SJP. Was hoping for a glimpse of her with her adorable son with their cranky nanny, but nothing.

I did get a close-up of her trash can though.

Then I headed over to Union Square because I really was hoping to see Ethan Hawke who hangs out at the Starbucks there, according to the Google.

But I got there and wtf, which Starbucks?

There are three, if you count the one in Barnes and Noble.

I tried them all and no Ethan. I need to try a more reliable famous-people web site. Maybe Celebrity Blackberry Sightings?

It is just not that easy to find famous people. They move around too much. Even getting myself on the Twitter celebrity-sightings instant feed, I just could not get to Queen Latifah’s location before she had moved on from the Madame X lounge.

Then, just when I had moved on from celebrity stalking, I was back on Long Island at the Syosset Starbucks and I totally saw Alicia Keys in the drive-through!

She lives in Muttontown. And OK, she was in The Nanny Diaries so we would have a lot to talk about. I’m just sayin’.

This is Deb in the City, celebrating my triumph with a humungo holiday pumpkin spice latte, saying baaaa from Muttontown.

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